Lesson 11 A--- Exercises to complement Lesson 11
Note: The अव्यय s listed below are to be used ONLY with the द्वितीया विभक्ति  | Example sentences have been done for you.
 Nouns  Verbs  Avyayas for the  द्वितीया विभक्तिः |

      अध्यक्षः  a president

      superintendent M

      जीव् (जीवति) to live.        अभितः/परितः/सर्वतः on all four sides
      मालाकारः gardener M        तॄ (तरति) to swim
        उभयतः on both sides
      खगः bird M             प्रति towards
      आकाशः space/ sky M            विना without
      याचकः a beggar M  
      धनिकः a rich man M     
      भक्तः a devotee M
      देवः The Lord/ God M    
      मत्स्यः fish M    
      कूर्मः tortoise M
      वानरः monkey M    
      अन्नम् food N    
      मन्दिरम् temple N    
     कार्यालयः place of work M    

विना (without) is  used with the fifth and the third vibhakti as well.


Example sentences follow.

केशवः अध्यक्षः  अस्ति | Keshava is a superintendent.
सः कार्यालयं गच्छति | He goes to the workplace.
कार्यालयम् अभितः नराः सन्ति/ कार्यालयम् परितः नराः सन्ति /कार्यालयम् सर्वतः नराः सन्ति | There are men all around the workplace.
अहं देवं विना न जीवामि | I cannot live without God.
धनिकम् उभयतः याचकाः सन्ति | There are beggars on both sides of the rich man.


A) Translate.
 1. Madhava is a gardener.
 2. He goes to the garden.
 3. There are trees all around the garden.
 4. There are flowers and fruits all around the garden too.
 5. Madhava goes towards the house.
 6. There are trees on either side of the house.
 7. Damodara is a student.
 8. He is going towards the school.
 9. There are boys on all sides of the school.
10. There are teachers on all sides of the school.
11. He looks at the teachers and the students.
12. Mallapur is a village.
13. There are two gardens on either side of Mallapur.
14. There are trees , flowers and men on all sides of Mallapur.
15. I see the beggar.
16. A beggar is there.
17. He desires wealth.
18. I am going towards the beggar.
19. Two bad men are walking towards the two good men.
20. The two bad men trouble the two good men.
21. Suresh is a devotee.
22. He goes to the temple.
23. The temple has gardens on all four sides.
24. The temple has water on both sides.
25. Suresh enters the water.
26. He swims.
27. Suresh enters the temple.
28. He walks towards the Lord.
29. He does namaskara to the Lord.
30. There is water on both sides of the house.
31. There are trees on all four sides of the house.
32. The fishes and the tortoises cannot live without the water.
33. The birds cannot live without the sky and the trees.
34. I cannot live without food and water.
35. You are a devotee.
36. You cannot live without God.
37. The two of you are rich men.
38. The two of you cannot live without wealth.
B) Choose the correct word from the brackets
• -------- ( रामः, रामाः, रामं ) विना लक्ष्मणः न --------- ( जीवति\जीवामि\जीवथः)|
• ------- (महेशान् , महेशः, महेशं ) ----------(वृक्षान् , वृक्षाः) पश्यति |
• ------- (विद्यालयः, विद्यालयाः, विद्यालयं ) परितः ------- (वृक्षौ, वृक्षं, वृक्षः) स्तः |
C) Correct these sentences.(Clue: Pick the verb first and then the subject)
1. रामाः विद्यालयः गच्छति |    
2. कृष्णः उभयतः भक्ताः सन्ति |
3. विद्यालयः प्रति अहं गच्छावः |
4. वानरं फलानि खादति |
5. जलं विना मत्स्यान् तरन्ति |
6. उद्यानः अभितः वृक्षः सन्ति |


D) Identify the धातु and its प्रथम पुरुष एकवचन verb form for each of the following. One has been done for you.
Read = पठ् (पठति)  
Write, Speak, Eat, Go, Be, Walk, Namaskara, Want, Touch.
                                                                                 Answers follow in lesson 11 B

Prev Lesson 11 ---- To be or not to be that is the question Let's be familiar with the अस् धातु | (To be or not to be that is the question) Next Lesson 11 B -- Answers to Lesson 11 A (Answers to Lesson 11 A)