The Farmer. कृषकः
Madhava is a farmer. His life is filled with hard work.
माधवः एकः कृषकः अस्ति । तस्य जीवनं श्रमपूर्णम् ।
He wakes up everyday at Brahma-muhurt.
प्रतिदिनं सः ब्रह्ममुहूर्ते उत्तिष्ठति ।
Having  taken  his  bath  and doing his japa and puja, Madhav  eats  breakfast  at  6: o'clock.
स्नात्वा, जपं कृत्वा, पूजयित्वा, माधवः तस्य अल्पाहारं षड्वादने खादति ।
Every morning, he goes to the field  after sunrise.
प्रतिप्रातःकालं सूर्योदयात् अनन्तरं सः क्षेत्रं गच्छति ।
Before noon, he plows the field with the help of two bullocks.
मध्याह्नात् प्राक्, वृषभयोः साहाय्येन सः क्षेत्रं कर्षति ।
At noon, his wife, Malini, comes to the field with his lunch.
मध्याह्ने, तस्य भार्या, मालिनी, सभोजनं क्षेत्रं आगच्छति।


He eats only two chapatis and an onion.
सः केवलं द्वे पोलिके, एकं पलाण्डुं च खादति ।
In the afternoon,he rests under the banyan tree for some time and then works again.
अपराह्ने, सः वटवृक्षस्य अधः किञ्चित् कालार्थं  विश्रामं कृत्वा पुनः कार्यं करोति ।
In the evening, at 5: 15, he washes his bullocks and gives them time to rest.
सायङ्काले, सपादपञ्चवादने, सः तस्य वृषभौ प्रक्षालयति, ताभ्यां विश्रामार्थं समयं यच्छति च ।
At 6:30 he gives his bullocks food to eat and clean water to drink.
सार्धषड्वादने सः तस्य वृषभाभ्यां खादनार्थं भोजनं, पेयार्थं स्वच्छं जलं च यच्छति ।
At 5 minutes to 7, he comes back home.
पञ्चोनसप्तवादने, सः पुनः गृहम् आगच्छति।
After having washed his face, hands and feet, he prays to the Lord.
मुखहस्तपादप्रक्षालनं कृत्वा, सः देवं नमति ।
At 7: 45, he eats  dinner.
पादोनअष्टवादने सः भोजनं करोति।

In the night, at 8:25, he goes to sleep.
रात्रौ, पञ्चविंशत्यधिकअष्टवादने , सः निद्रां करोति ।



                                                                             In the next lesson 38, we shall talk about our near and dear ones!

Prev Lesson 37 A --- Appetizer Lesson Working with Time. (Working with Time.) Next Lesson 38 ----- Relatively speaking. (Relatively speaking.)